God loves you!

Publishing some of the excerpts from Abbot Nikon’s writings below:

“This incomprehensible love is revealed to us in the incarnation of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in His suffering through spitting, beating, and finally crucifixion. Inconceivable and boundlessly great the love of God is indeed. The entire angelic world was confused while witnessing the incarnation and crucifixion of the Creator of the world out of love for the fallen humankind.

Apostle John asserts by the Holy Spirit that God does not only have love, great as it is, but that God Is Love.

Love bears all things, according to Apostle Paul; it bears our sins and demerits, infirmities, intolerance, grumbles and so on.

Once the believers in Christ acknowledge their infirmities and sins and ask forgiveness for them, the love of God would cleanse and heal all the wounds of their sinfulness. The sins of the entire world get drowned in the sea of God’s love like a stone thrown into water.

So there can’t be any space for despondency, hopelessness and despair!”

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“May God’s blessing be always with you. Do not despair in any situation. Let the Cross of Christ on all occasions be a reminder for you about the boundless God’s love for the fallen man. Isn’t this remembrance alone sufficient for us to give ourselves up into God’s hands? We must, if only a little, seek the Kingdom of God, and the Lord will never leave us without His help and console. The Lord loves you!”

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“God is Love. Out of love for the fallen humanity, God did not hesitate to offer his gracious sacrifice: God the Father sends His Son to be crucified; God the Sun obediently fulfills this duty until His death on the cross; God the Holy Spirit does not loathe coming into the sinful soul of man to cleanse and save it. What more is there for the Lord to do for our salvation? The Lord assured sinners that He did not want them to die but to live. “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

This means that salvation is insured for everyone who believes in Christ and asks Him to save from sin and eternal sufferings. The Lord promises forgiveness and mercy for repentance, so that if we ask, we will always get, according the Lord’s own words. The entire world was created by the Word of God, and by the Word of God, the world maintains order and does not turn into chaos. The same Word of God promises forgiveness of our sins and an eternal life in return for our faithfulness and repentance, the proof being the embodiment of God’s Son and His sufferings on the Cross.”

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“If there had been no Incarnation and Savior’s sufferings, would we have believed in the great love of God for people? No, we would not and would have perished of despair; we might have enter into a venomous condition and, like Satan, become the enemies of good and adversaries of God.”