
This small project is devoted to publishing of spiritual letters written by Abbot Nikon Vorobiev (1894-1963) to different people. Father Nikon was a wonderful ascetic of the Orthodox Christian faith, who devoted his entire life to serving God and other people. His advice on the spiritual life was always full of the light of God’s…

God loves you!

Publishing some of the excerpts from Abbot Nikon’s writings below: “This incomprehensible love is revealed to us in the incarnation of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in His suffering through spitting, beating, and finally crucifixion. Inconceivable and boundlessly great the love of God is indeed. The entire angelic world was confused while witnessing the…

Spiritual growth of a man is measured by his humbleness

Publishing some of the excerpts from Abbot Nikon’s writings below: “The spiritual growth of man is measured by his humbleness. The higher man stands in his spiritual life, the more humble he is. And the other way round: the more humble man is the higher in spirit he stands. It is not the rules, prostrations,…

What to do if I cannot give up a sin

Sometimes a man is enslaved by a sin and doesn’t have strength to give up the particular sin. The following letter was written by Abbot Nikon to a person suffering from serious alcohol addiction, who wasn’t able to give up drinking. Abbot Nikon gives a valuable advice, what everyone can do in similar situations –…

Letters of Abbot Nikon

Dear Father Miletiy, I received your letter. Sorry for the belated reply. Works, trips have taken away much time, and – what is more important – I find it difficult to write to you, because you are much more experienced than I am, you have seen more and know more. What good advice or comfort…