Letters of Abbot Nikon

Peace and salvation be to you from our Lord Jesus Christ!

It is time for you to know that the enemy won’t leave in peace those who are seeking salvation, which is why war against him will not end until their death. However, nobody is able to defeat him by one’s own power alone. It has been precisely the mission of Crist’s coming to the world – to destroy Devil’s cause. The Lord is fighting against Devil together with those who always beseech His help. Man, in his turn, should also counteract sin and devils with all his power resorting to measures pointed out by the Lord, apostles and holy fathers. Weapons against the Devil for Orthodox are fast, prayer, sobriety, and humbleness. Without humbleness, no weapons will help; neither will the Lord help the conceited and proud, who will inevitably find themselves caught in the Devil’s net.

Those who want to defeat the enemy and to overcome passions, but in actual fact do not struggle against them with given weapons, are not likely to win. The more meek and humble is a man, the sooner he will defeat the enemy. It is worth mentioning here that rancor destroys the power of prayer, because the Lord does not accept the prayers from a man at war with his neighbors or from a rancorous man, but sends such men away to make peace first. Without a prayer accepted by God, man will be alone, and the enemy will completely submit him fully to his power. Even a rightly fighting fighter will not defeat the enemy at once. It takes time and patience. Fight correctly and try to be at peace with all people; learn to be sober and to pray incessantly. Be humble before people and God and you will be empowered to throw down giants one by one and become free from the captivity of sin.

No spiritual father will think of the person, who has sincerely repented his sins, worse than before, no matter how serious the confessed sins might be. This is a trick of the enemy to make a repenting man conceal his sins and be denied forgiveness. On the contrary, the confessor, as a true believer, would rather think better of this person. Such is the mysterious quality of confession.

Regarding your aunt and other people, remember the rule: “Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ.” Endure all reproaches, all scolding and aspersions cast on you, deserved and not deserved alike, because, if you do not challenge them with objection, they will help you to clean the soul from sins and ensure the growth of humbleness. Repeat after the prudent thief: “…we received due reward of our deeds; Lord, remember me when thou come into thy kingdom.”

No nuns will be arrested, except those with a long tongue. Let them keep their tongue within their teeth, if they do not want to find themselves behind the bars.

Tear yourself from this world and its vanity, forgive and be at peace with everyone, stay at home as far as this is possible, don’t be idle, but pray or sing psalms, read a little, do things that need to be done, saying the Jesus prayer and keeping God in mind when doing them. Repent and weep before God deploring your innumerable sins, and the Lord will forgive you and accept you into eternal life and blessedness. Forgive me.

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