Letters of Abbot Nikon

May the Lord help you to live through this vortex and sail across the sea of life’s ups and downs and come to anchor. This is very difficult, especially for the young people. Always turn to God and the Mother of God for help. Be sure that if man stands firm against committing sin, the entire Hell will do no harm to him, because God’s help will always be there for him. If man is disposed to sin – first in thought, as it were – and is not rejecting such thoughts, as a poisonous snake, the enemy will find access to this man’s heart, and the Lord will allow for the sin to be committed. Similarly, the Lord will allow for man’s fall as a reaction to his arrogance, pride or his constant reviling of his neighbors.

That is why people must be vigilant against cherishing some viper either in their thoughts or in the heart in order to escape its stinging. Only by vigilance, by restraining his senses (the sense of vision, the sense of hearing and the sense of touch) and by calling the name of God as often as possible, can man withstand all enemy’s attacks and avoid committing great sin. We must resort to the name of God to kill all sinful thoughts and feelings, generated by our wicked nature or by demons’ work, before they grow and take root.

There is no other way to cleanse oneself and escape both the miseries of human sinful nature and those caused by the enemies and their weapons, except by being vigilant and by praying incessantly. Be enduring and laborious. Fight and do not offer your hand to the enemy; be faithful to the Lord, and He will not leave you alone, but will stand by to defend you against any enemy, even if it were the whole world rising against you. “God is with us, understand this, O, nations, and submit yourselves for God is with us.” May God bless and keep you safe.

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