Letters of Abbot Nikon

I have received your letter about the disease of Lyubov Aleksandrovna. She is permanently on my mind. Although all people, big and small, famous and not are doomed to leave this world one day, when it immediately concerns someone close and dear, our consciousness involuntarily revolts against it. Deeply at heart man feels his immortality. And immortal he is indeed. What we call death is a birth into a new world, transition from one state into a new one, and for many Christians – into an undoubtedly much better realm. So there must be no reason to lose heart at the approaching death, for this is rather an occasion to rejoice, but we, either have little faith in the future life, or fear it, or because our present life also tenaciously holds us here.

From the spiritual perspective, we should be happy for Lyubov Aleksandrovna. The Lord has given her time to get prepared for the future life, but on the other hand, we fear lest she might repine because of departing this life and lose heart. If only she could humble herself and turn wholeheartedly to God, repenting sincerely all her transgressions and missteps, and partaking the Holy Communion with due awe and faithfulness! The death would appear to her as a happy new birth opening a way to meet those who dearly love her, who are waiting for her to fill in with an everlasting joy, which “no eye has seen and no ear has heard and which has not entered the heart of man.”

Please tell Lyubov Aleksandrovna that my sympathies are with her, that I wholeheartedly wish her to pass over the pains of the death and move on smoothly and happily into the future life, into our homeland, predestined for us since the creation of the world, where people will be like Angels, with the faces radiant like the Sun.

Tell her also, that I will never forget her for her love she showed me for many years, not knowing me. I will remember her, irrespectively of whether she has yet long to live or depart very soon. She will be dear to me after death too.

If a person is able to love and care for another person, how great must God’s love be for us, if it sent Him to die on the Cross for our salvation. So, Lyubov should not have fear; let her trust in the boundless love of God!

Let Lyubov justify her name (Lyubov means love, charity) by showing her love for God, who has suffered through great pains, insults and death on the cross for entire humanity including personally her. Then the heavenly Charity/Love will accept the earthly Charity/Love as her own daughter and make her a partaker of the glory and blissfulness of the Divine life. We must prove our love for God by enduring the painful parting with this world, enduring tormenting disease without grumbling in order that we may become partakers of Christ’s sufferings. Suffering together with Chris, we may be glorified together with Him.

I would like to repeat: “Lyubov Aleksandrovna, my heart is with you, wishing you all things written above. Be enduring, do not grumble. If you feel that your faith is growing scarce, pray: God, I want to be a faithful and true Christian, please help me, lacking faith!” And God will not leave you alone!

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