Letters of Abbot Nikon

“Who will roll away for us the stone from the entrance of the tomb? –For it is very large..” The Angel did on God’s command. He will also roll away the stone of insensitivity away from your heart, when it is time for that. It is important to show your faithfulness to God when you are being insensitive, when having little faith, doubts, feeling cold-heartedness, or during sufferings, diseases and other troubles. You must by force of will to fortify your faith when it is almost dying out, as God let it to be, so that again and again you should show for what you aspire and what you prefer.

As an utterance of the elders goes, any good work is either preceded or followed by temptation. Such good occupation, as praying and especially taking the Holy Communion, cannot pass without devil’s vengeance. He will do the utmost to prevent one from praying duly or from taking the Communion. If he fails to do so at this particular time, he will try to foul up afterwards, so that there is no trace left of the acquired good. All leading a spiritual life know this very well. That is why we should humbly and heartily beseech God’s protection against plots and intrigues of the enemy, who may affect our soul acting directly or through people in his subjugation.

Don’t be surprised at this. This battle is severe; and “unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it; and unless the Lord keep the city, he watches in vain that keepeth it.” We should give ourselves up to the mercy of God, admitting before Him our iniquity, powerlessness in protecting ourselves from the visible and invisible enemies. Don’t be afraid. The devil does not do what he wants to do, but only what God allows him to do. See the Book of Job.

May God’s blessing be always with you. Do not despair in any situation. Let the Cross of Crist on all occasions be a reminder for you about the boundless God’s love for the fallen man. Isn’t this remembrance alone sufficient for us to give ourselves up into God’s hands? We must, if only a little, seek the Kingdom of God, and the Lord will never leave us without His help and console. The Lord loves you!. Bear the Lord!

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