Letters of Abbot Nikon

Your dream clearly shows the following: first, that the enemies of our salvation are trying hard to enter into our soul to blaspheme it and render it unworthy for the Lord; second, that to be safe from them, it is necessary to pray at home and in the church and observe God’s commandments; and third, that the Lord takes care of people and each person individually, wishing all to be saved. How great love of God for sinners must be that He, the Creator of the World, will assume human nature and come to the world to suffer through spitting, beating, mockery and death on the cross for the salvation of the sinful humanity!

If we respond to God’s love with indifference, unbelief, unwillingness to struggle with sins, conscious violation of God’s commandments and self-justification instead of tearful repentance, what will await us? God’s rejection is it what will await us. “With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you,” says the Lord. If we reject God’s love by our deeds, the Lord will reject us. “I do not know you; go away from Me to where there is eternal fire burning.” Such is God’s judgement, pronounced here for inveterate sinners, who are holding in contempt the word of God and who are distorting the Gospel to justify their sinfulness. Woe unto them! Everlasting tormenting, weeping and gnashing of teeth await those who have ignored God’s love and for the sake of dirty pleasures of this world sell their Christian dignity, having preferred the obedience to the devil’s will. After death, man will be with him, whose will he is fulfilling now on earth. A devil’s slave on earth will remain his slave after death sharing one destiny with demons.

Seryozha, there are all conditions available for your repentance and salvation – both external and internal – which are rarely available to other people nowadays. If you miss this opportunity and continue postponing the cause of your salvation, a serious self-deceit is a very likely outcome. We cannot be certain if tomorrow comes for us. God warns all people to stay awake, for they do not know on what day and at what hour He will come for our soul.

I urgently advise you not to justify yourself of any sin, small as it might seem. Every sin is trespassing God’s will and is an indication of lack of love for God, and vice versa. ”The one who has my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me,” says the Lord. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse every committed sin by repentance.

Seek salvation. Try to get rid of the ways of this world that was always and will always be hostile to all spiritual things and to God Himself. “The world will hate you,” said the Lord. Who is meant by “you?” These are all those who will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and try to live according to His holy commandments.

Please pray for me.

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