Letters of Abbot Nikon

I am writing again about your phrase that “L. has given up some of her lessons and it became easier; the counting lessons especially are making little progress.” I remember already writing to you about this issue. I am going to share with you thoughts that are not mine. If all commandments are comprised in the first two – to love God and one’s neighbor – and love is achieved through the fulfilment of all other commandments given to us in the Gospel, we must find out the shortest and easiest way for the fulfilment of these commandments. A secular man may confine himself to physical laboring, for people who are striving for more, inner work is also necessary.

The Lord used two words to describe what this work consists in and what must be done, especially at the time of troubles: “watch and pray.” On what occasion and at what hour is not specified – this requirement is for always. To “watch” means to watch your behavior, words, thoughts and feelings; to watch out for all that comes into contradiction the Gospel and push these things away by the Jesus Prayer, thus fulfilling the second command. The fulfilment of these two commands could replace all other deeds, though the deeds individually needed for the laborer are not excluded either. Permanent inducement oneself to the Jesus Prayer is the best proof to man’s willingness to be with the God and to fulfill His command.

Even the publican who used five words to appeal to God during worship was redeemed and justified. The Holy Fathers say that all prayers could be replaced by one Jesus Prayer.

The correct praying using this prayer is ensured only when it is inseparably combined with repentance and if it is an expression of a heartfelt grievance about one’s own unworthiness, sinfulness, and of man’s realization of his repeated violations of Gospel commandments. The publican’s way of praying was such expression reflecting the grievance of his heart. Try to keep this in mind. The expected result is not achieved by repeating the Jesus Prayer out loud; it must be an outpouring of grieving heart to warm it and make it tender, as well as to make praying and other good-doing easier. Possible fulfilment of the commandments of Gospel outwardly and inwardly, vigilance and a heartfelt Jesus Prayer are the invincible weapon available for us – I would say the only weapon available for our time. This occupation makes man spiritually fit. This occupation is not dependent on books, housing conditions, not even on man’s health condition. It is possible always and anywhere, except, perhaps, when man is absorbed in doing something that demands his full attention.

I wish you to understand this and skill doing it. Set up a daily working schedule for yourself, that would be lenient and possible to follow in accordance with your circumstances and forces; and devote the rest of the time – of the day and night , and any available moment – to the fulfilment of the “watch and pray” rule of our Lord Jesus Christ. The fulfilment of this rule will spare you all future troubles, both material and spiritual alike.

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