Letters of Abbot Nikon

Peace to you! We have been missing you. How are you? You needn’t worry about the “partial” attitude by other people to you. You are coming further and further into real life meeting different people who all are fallen beings. Their fall cannot but affect their relations with people around them. By the way, this is why the Lord said to his disciples: “I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise…but remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age…”

On the one hand, man himself should be wise and watchful, but on the other – which is more important – he should always turn for help to God, Who is invisible for the fleshly man, but visible by Spirit God, Who promised to all who have trust in Him, that a hair will not fall down from their head without His will.

With their trust and hope in Him, the apostles have endured all hardships and have overcome the world: a small flock of sheep has defeated countless packs of wolves. Isn’t that a convincing testimony about the power and providence of God? Meanwhile God is also present today as He was yesterday and will ever be for ages and ages. Turn to God to share your sorrows and hardships, and He will feed you.

It is possible at any moment, in any rush or hurry to appeal to God in thought and say: “Jesus Christ, be merciful to me; Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner;” or at least, as St. Varsonofiy the Great advises, remember that there is the All-Seeing God, who watches you, and this would be enough to help you out of the difficult situation. When grief befalls you, and the prayers bring no relief, do not despair, grumble, and do not lose faith. Remember that salvation is not achieved without sorrows; nor is it possible to get life experience without them.

Faith and prayer turn grief into a great advantage, whereas grief without prayer may lead to grumbling and unbelief and do a serious harm to soul and body. That is why it is important to learn to be always with God, Who is always with us. “God is with us! Understand this, O nations, and submit yourselves, for God is with us!”

On encountering troubles, do not despair, but “cast your burden upon God, and He will sustain you.”

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