Letters of Abbot Nikon

It’s a pity that I was unable to talk with you.

Cheer up and be patient. There is no end to people’s arrogance and wise-mindedness. Man has to get into a mess many times before realizing his limitations and need of permanent God’s help. If all soul’s resources are distorted by the fall, the distortion of the cognizance of one’ own self is the greatest.

As an image of God, called to be God’s son, to be a partaker of the Divine nature, man is much more precious than the entire world. He should be much more aware of this and thank God for the privilege and behave accordingly; but if fact, man, either is unaware of his high status, or because of his wickedness, is wasting himself away on trifles, on the satisfaction of his narrow egoistic vanity and on praising himself, and thus becomes repulsive to God and other people. Such wickedness is worse than other sins and it heals with a great difficulty, because it affects the innermost of human soul. Humbleness is the cure to overcome this distortion and therefore it is so highly appreciated. My explanation is superficial. This topic is deep and difficult and cannot be presented in several sentences.

Until the end of his life, every man has to struggle with his fallen and false “ego.” Success in man’s spiritual life is measured by the depth of his humbleness. It takes man’s constant struggle for the acquisition of humbleness and serious help from God to achieve this goal. Without God’s help the task is impossible for man. That is why it is necessary to accept all kinds of humiliations, insults, offenses and even falls, as if these were handed down by God – which is indeed so –without grumbling, but with gratitude, because all of these unpleasant things help man suppress his “ego.” Even if man succeeds in following this line of behavior all throughout his life until death, it is not possible for him to get rid of his high opinion of his intellect and of vanity completely. Likewise without humbleness man cannot receive God’s good gifts without harm for himself. Under these circumstances, the prophesy for our days asserts that in view of growing man’s pride people’s deeds will not be taken into account, but their salvation will come through enduring sorrows and diseases.

So thank God for getting – if not the best, – but not the worst mark, as well as for other similar unpleasant episodes as for the tools of the Providence by which He teaches humbleness to you. “For whom the Lord loveth He chesteneth…” Learn the truths of Christianity by experience. Do not be anxious to get good marks. Theological School offers some theoretical education about Christianity. With this knowledge and with the title of Doctor of Theology, one may not only have no belief in Christ, but even deny God’s existence as such. Only experience, the real communication with Christ gives a living and clear-sighted faith. Such faith is acquired by many sorrows, temptations, falls and get-ups; it first leads to humbleness (there are different levels of humbleness) and then to spiritual gifts. Beg God to grant you wisdom to use your sins and temptations to your advantage, for your spiritual growth. It is important to remember to seek the Kingdom of God in order to find it.

May the Lord keep you safe and lead along His way to eternal life. Do not sell God for big or small price. The poverty of Aleksey God’s Man is better than all the riches and glory of this world. Make your choice once and for all and follow your way, no matter what!!!

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